Use Google Effectively as a Newbie Developer.

Use Google Effectively as a Newbie Developer.


Coding can be intimidating, especially when you are a newbie, each time you get stuck or you can't figure something out try Google! Google is an invaluable tool to help you find answers to coding questions, so don't be afraid to use it when you're stuck. Asking for help from experienced people is great, but People in tech are always busy, either trying to meet deadlines or fixing bugs and only a few will come to your aid. Learning how to use Google effectively would help you quickly find solutions and save you hours of frustration. This is essential to code successfully.

What is Google?

Google is an internet search engine that scans the web to search for pages relevant to the words typed in the search box. By providing personalized searches, Google helps users find exactly what they need quickly and easily.

9 ways to use Google

1) Use Quotes ( " " )

Wrapping the keywords in quotes would output information specific to the searched words. This will ensure that the results are more accurate and relevant to your search, allowing for a more efficient search process. Also, make sure to use correct spelling when using quotes. I.e.

"center a div"

2) Use a hyphen (*)

This trick is useful, when you are unsure of what you are searching for, the forgotten word can be replaced by (*) google automatically fills in the blank space and then display the results. I.e

change * color in CSS

3) Use (OR)

Using the OR operator allows you to search for multiple keywords at once. By combining the keywords with the OR operator, the search would return results containing any of the keywords. rather than just the exact phrases entered. I.e

"JavaScript OR Python"

4) Find a similar website using (related: website)

If you are searching for information or results on a website, you can use Google's related: search operator to discover websites related to the one you are searching for

related: Amazon

5) Use (site:) to search within a website

When you use the site: keyword, it would give you information or result present on the website. This is helpful when you are looking for a specific topic present on the website. it is also useful when you want to narrow down your search results to websites you trust I.e.

site: FreeCodeCamp JavaScript

6) Use (definition:)

The keyword definition: can be used to quickly and efficiently find definitions of unfamiliar words or phrases, helping you get a clear understanding of the new topic or concept. I.e.

define: JavaScript Array

7) Use (filetype:)

This would help search for a specific file type. This can be helpful when you are looking for a specific type of file. when you are searching, include the file type in the parentheses after the search term I.e.

Data structure: js

8) Use (location:)

This is the keyword to search for information in a particular location. This comes in handy when you are looking for information specific to that area. you can also use other keywords in combination with the location keyword to refine your search. I.e.

Entry-level JavaScript Salary: United State

9) Use (before:) and (after:)

This is quite useful for data or information within a given period. This format allows you to easily compare values from one period of time to another and quickly identify trends or changes. It has to be written like this (before: Year-month-day) and (after: year-month-day). I.e.

Use of Python after:2015-03-5.


Using Google is easy, but practicing the tips and tricks provided here will help you make the most of your Google experience. Moreover, it will save you time and make your work easier and more efficient. Finally, you'll be able to achieve more in less time.